Saturday, August 9, 2014

Redbana Audition on Greenlight!

A few days ago, Redbana Audition was put on Steam Greenlight list! This is something we've been trying to do for a long time.

At first, I wasn't sure if it was appropriate for a game that has already been launched for years and years. Most Greenlight submissions are for "indie" games and new game creators who are looking for more publicity of their product. But honestly, I think Steam could use more rhythm games. Some rhythm games such as Audiosurf and Beat Hazard incorporate music as a way to generate the level but don't really inherently involve tapping out a rhythm, and those just aren't as fun to me.

My hopes for Greenlight is maybe not necessarily getting Audition on Steam. (It actually isn't even compatible with the Steam In-Game overlay at the moment, because of the anti-cheat engine X-Trap. This'll have to be fixed.) I really would love more publicity for Audition, more new players, expanding the playerbase. In the past, it's been difficult to find new players, mostly because the game has inherently a rather large learning curve.

For those who aren't familiar with the game:

Cool things about Audition:
  • Variety in modes of gameplay - ranging from hitting a sequence of 9 keys on your numpad to just hitting the spacebar key in rhythm
  • Customizable avatars - it's true that most of them require real money, but there is still a decent collection purchasable with in-game currency
  • Updated songs - now regularly updated and gives exposure to musicians and artists who aren't as well known
Audition's shortcomings:
  • The game is old, there are some flaws with the game engine in relation to framerates and internet latency
  • No in-game keybind options or controller support
  • Some localization issues (typos and inconsistencies) in wording and story mode
  • The anti-cheat engine X-Trap contributes to many problems running the game

For the game to succeed (regardless of Greenlight status) we'll need better tutorial and beginner help, faster bug fixes, and an updated website. I feel like there should be more incentive for Redbana to do all of the above (in a more timely manner!) if Steam brings in enough new players.

So let's give it a try. Support Audition.

Audition on Greenlight

Register an account:

Download links for Audition (the torrent link on the official website is old)
Mirror 1:!Q5oWkJQK!cgY04Fqz7EBwQLqExsQ49CdJMMqzCyeH4fjpGLUgadE
Mirror 2:
Mirror 3:

Official Forums

Official Facebook

AudiFan Site for updated guides and information about the game